This weekend, Eric and Brian battled through LA traffic to stay with us for a highly anticipated visit. What was on the “to do” list, you ask?
Why, Dungeons & Dragons, of course!
Brian has been our impeccable Dungeon Master (DM) for over a year now, and over time the campaign has sucked in our friends Ben and Mike. We don’t get to play very often, so when we do it’s a grand event. I had two grueling paddle practices on Saturday and Sunday morning (during which the sun managed to turn my poor back bright red… oops), so hacking up enemies afterwards was more than welcome.
Our questing was grand – we faced a hearty hobgoblin, a deadly hag, and an enormous mutant pig named Pudding who was on performance enhancing herbs. The Wizard (Chris) tossed bugbears and wolves out open windows like rag dolls, the Barbarian (Ben) hacked at foes with tremendous force and performed an amazing leaping strike from a second story, the Cleric (Mike) was wracked with guilt over abandoning a defenseless princess, the Shaman (Eric) was out of healing faster than we could consume the ginger cookies, and the Warden (me) took one heck of a beating, suffering from blindness, poison, and ultimately conking out in a curtain of darkness.
Monday I had a chance to see Sex and the City 2, which I enjoyed much more than I had anticipated, followed by a quintessential relaxing BBQ on the beach. (Complete with questionable rice crispie treats, which I chose not to taste.)
Tonight is the last day of my Fundamentals for Paralegals course, which is exciting. I think I will continue with the certification program, which means I should be done in about two years. This will not be anywhere near the work Chris has put in to his masters program, which is also in its final week! I’m so proud!
A re-enactment of our fight with "Pudding the Death Pig"
Hee hee nice! I forgot you took a picture of the action. That looks pretty good!
Poor poor princess...
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