Friday, May 28, 2010

Dear Netflix

Dear Netflix,
Please back your awesome community features; I miss them ... I have phantom pains. Lost are the days when I could stalk my Netflix Friends, judging them harshly by what they recently watched and how many stars they deemed each film worthy. (I mean, what kind of fool person gives a pooptastic movie like Pearl Harbor more than 1 star? The horror ...)

I took great delight in discovering (sometimes before they did) which DVDs my Friends would shortly be receiving in the mail. You have left me no choice but to communicate with these mortals people directly.

And lets not forget the reviews and notes every Netflix Member could post to aid one another through the vast landscapes of documentaries and series discs. Warnings like "Don't bother with the last one since it's just special features" or "I want my three hours back!" came in handy over and over again.

I do not appreciate being denied these daily interactive pleasures. *sniff* I told Blockbuster to lick a tree for you.  Member since 2002 - cha, you know - before anyone else knew about it. God alone knows how many souls I have won for you.

Netflix Devotee

P.S. – I know you already addressed the above issue in your blog, and I do forgive you – but this little vent on behalf of 2% of your users is a personal necessity.

P.S.S - I love you. Never leave me.

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