No matter where I have lived, there is always somewhere fun to go for a run nearby. Granted, I have never taken up residence in the busy inner city - I think that would be the most challenging location. I am also grateful beyond words that a "harsh winter" is non-existent around these parts.
There are days where I can almost literally hear the road calling me. My legs feels anxious at rest. My shoes dance for me slightly with excitement. Are we going out today? Where? For how long? I enjoy not knowing. I also recently have been remembering how much fun it is to explore new routes. Living in the same place for a while gets me rutted in old habits quicker than I like to think about. I had three loops around Carpinteria that I would usually take, which I simply called my long loop, my short loop, and my scenic loop. I would splash in a little variety here and there, but for the most part those were my usual paths.
Tee hee! Dolphins on the ranch gate!
Yesterday, feeling adventurous, I went in the complete opposite direction as my usual course. I dared a beautiful mountain road that lead me sailing over hilly roads past farms and ranches, eventually finding the local polo club and a bit beyond. It was exhilarating and fun, not to mention beautiful. I also have to admit that having a phone that takes pictures which instantly upload themselves online is awesome. I couldn't locate my trusty iPod before my trip, so I decided to try radio via my newly acquired hand-me-down Droid. It worked nicely, and I was able to snap photos on a whim. Pretty cool!
Mountains on one side, beach on the other. Surrounded by happy!
Nice to be reminded of a part of running I've always enjoyed. Although I still like to plan out my routes with Google maps so I don't get lost
Getting lost can have its own perks. I use "Map My Run" if I want to set a specific distance goal.
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