**Note: This post is old.
I wrote it back in September, and totally forgot to publish it!
A little fact about myself you probably didn’t know: the
idea of getting a massage gives me the heebie-jeebies. (Scientific term.)
I think this feeling is largely due to my long private
Christian school upbringing, in which a massage was more or less the equivalent
(in my mind) of getting laid. Okay,
maybe not quite that, but it was certainly an over utilized tool in the game of
tween seduction. When a boy walked up behind you and gave you
a neck massage, he was totally wishing he could tap that. If a girl did the same to a guy, she was hustling
for a homecoming date invitation.
So basically unless I am really attracted to the person, my first instinct when someone reaches for my shoulders is "Don't TOUCH meh." (I had to really stifle this feeling when girlfriends did this to be sweet and I didn't want to hurt their feelings. Awwwwwwwkward.)
After our long outrigger race in Oxnard I felt okay, but that night my back
began to clench like an iron fist. By
Sunday morning, it took a long time for me to roll out of bed, and even walking
around the house was a tedious and delicate task. I armed myself with a heating pad, an ice
pack, and watched an entire season of The
Sons of Anarchy. I felt better
Monday, but “better” is a very relative term.
Sitting at my desk was a little torturous unless I kept perfect
posture. I needed something else, and a
sports massage seemed to make the most logical sense.
I have thought about getting a massage before several times,
and I have always chickened out of actually making an appointment. Several friends have invited me along and
volunteered to “show me the ropes” when it comes to massages, but I could never
commit. This time, however, it felt
necessary, and I was willing to try anything – the pain was just too much.
To the internets I went, hunting down a massage therapist I
would have the courage to see. There are
dozens of spas near my office, but visiting their websites gave me that gross
feeling of being sent to an orgy farm.
Strangers touching me … girly smells … mindless salon style chatter… eeeeeeh
… no thank you. I needed to find a male, and I needed to not feel uber creeped out.
At long last I found a fellow with soaring praises from
professional athletes who worked close to my office. His site seemed very professional and
serene. I didn’t get that horrible
creepy vibe and there wasn’t a statue of a fat bellied Buddha anywhere. So, I dialed his number, and when he answered
the phone I promptly hung up on him. Oh, yes. Full on, high school stalker style, hung up on the guy because I couldn’t
muster up the courage to actually say anything.
It took me two more tries in the span of an hour to make a
freaking appointment, and that only happened because my office chair was
aggravating my back muscles so much.
Every time I picked up a file, I cringed and thought about how silly I

I had a mantra as I opened the gate. “It won’t be creepy. It won’t be creepy. It won’t be creepy.”
As I opened the gate, a lush garden welcomed me, as well as
an adorable curly haired doggy. I
relaxed a little. The man came out to
greet me. He was short but muscled,
dressed like a surfer beach bum. There
was pleasant music playing in the house as he lead me to the back where a
separate shed sat. It was like a little
shrine with an oddly shaped bed.
The guy instructed me to undress, and he would be back
in a few minutes. Shutting the door
behind him, feelings of panic returned.
How much do I take off? I wondered.
I had not thought to research that … do I get buck nekked?? If that’s
not what you’re supposed to do, would he think I was a looney? If that is what
you’re supposed to do and I keep my undies on, will he think I’m an utter
prude? I fretted over it for a long time
but finally settled with panties on, bra off.
I tucked myself gingerly beneath the covers and let the serene silence
take over.
I wasn't sure how to say This is my first time without it sounding ridiculous, so I decided he could do all the talking.
I wasn't sure how to say This is my first time without it sounding ridiculous, so I decided he could do all the talking.
He came back and proceeded to grease me up, talking
pleasantly about the weather, what sports I do, why I was there, and what my
body was telling me. Turns out several
of his clients were outrigger paddlers, so he was familiar with the sport as
well as the upcoming Catalina race. His hands
were disturbingly strong, I had to clench my teeth several times to keep
screams of pain inside my throat. It was also a little alarming to think, If I had to fight this guy for some reason in an attempt to escape, I bet I'd be pretty beat up in the process.
It took a while, and there were lots of "whooooa there..." moments, but I made it through. He gave me some of his cards and told me to come back after the Catalina race. I don't think I will ... but I'll keep him in mind.
TIP: No one told me you had to plan a shower after these encounters. Back to work I went, greasy and gross. Thankfully no clients showed up, and I did feel more relaxed.
Mission accomplished.
=D I'm very picky about my massage therapists as well, although moreso because i've only found that short thick asian women are the only ones that can exert enough pressure on my muscles to loosen them up. Although I'm no where near as creeped out by them as you, I've honestly felt the need for a smoke after a good one, and I've never gotten a happy ending from one =D
Did you go back to him again? I have to admit that I was also nervous the first time I had my massage therapy. But since I immensely enjoyed the experience and has proven its health benefits, I went back again. And up to this day, I have regular massage sessions. I learned that massages can be fully enjoyed if you trust your therapist. =)
Quentin Edberg
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