Friday, August 20, 2010


This post may seem a little early, but I figured I'd get people excited well before the grand event.  What is National Novel Writing Month? Well, it is madness, chaos, pain, sweat, tears, agony – and it’s glorious!  If you have ever thought about someday writing a novel (or even if not), this is the most exciting kick in the pants ever.  Thousands of people all around the world participate each year, accepting the challenge to write 50,000 words in one month.  (That month being November.)

Last year I “won” with flying colors, finishing at around 71,000 words by the last day.  (Though I must admit I kind of jumped the gun and cheated by starting a couple days early since I was so excited.)  I have yet to go back to that rough tome I pounded out for editing, but I know it’s there waiting for me.  I struggle to put into words just how proud I am of what I did, and how incredible it feels to watch the little word counter click upwards bit by bit.  At the end of the month, though the frustration can be incredibly burdensome, you have produced something many have never managed: a fully loaded rough draft.

I have started my outline for this year's story already, thinking through characters and plot twists, arming myself for the frenzy.  Last year I wrote an adventure story which took place in Australia that vaguely resembled a fanciful trip I took there when I was in high school.  This year I'm planning on doing a more blatant fantasy/sci-fi style story that is so far turning into a freak hybrid of Heroes and Narnia that follows a girl who has the ability to smell lies.  Should be interesting!

If any of you fellow writers think all this sounds exciting or fun in any way, I highly encourage you to sign up and join the madness when the time rolls around. Let me cheer you on, or join us for a late night keyboard mashing party. You won’t regret it.


Anonymous said...

It's so great that you're doing this! I definitely couldn't pull off NaNoWriMo if my life depended on it, but I DO participate in NaBloPoMo (which is blogging every day in November), and it's a great practice. I can't wait to do it again this year!

Mike Petty said...

Yes, we need more late night keyboard mashing parties.