The following are the movies that made the cut this summer, and I have scaled my reviews in accordance with my own personal preference.

I was delighted by this sequel. Why? No, not because the fights were bigger, badder, more bad ass (because they were not) but because unlike many sequels, the characters were given a chance to grow. Their situations had changed, their relationships were strained, and I was delighted to watch it all unfold. The cast is stellar, as usual, and the effects were fun.
Final Grade: A-
Will I buy it? Likely

In a word: disappointing. This is not the story of Robin Hood, but rather the prequel to what may eventually be the Robin Hood story. Though the cast is top notch, this film morphed into a strange Gladiator/Braveheart historic hybrid that failed at almost everything it was aiming to become. I was entertained (if you forget the last 15 or so minutes of the film) but left unsatisfied.
Final Grade: B-
Will I buy it? No way

Yes, I saw this without Chris. Despite the flack this movie got form critics, I quite enjoyed this. As a fan of the original show, it had all the familiar flair and frivolous fun of the series. It wasn't deep or serious, and it wasn't supposed to be. It remedied the issues I had with the first movie by being short, light, entertaining, and made me laugh out loud - like a lunch with old friends.
Final Grade: B+
Will I buy it? No

I loved the feel of it, the look of it, the sound of it. This was obviously made by someone who knows and loves the Predator series. I was incredibly pleased with the cast and story, though I wish there had been a little more "holy crap!" action and creatures. Generally a solid flick with great re-watchability.
Final Grade: A-
Will I buy it? Yes

Beautiful effects accompanied with seamless handling of a decently complex plot. The cast was strong, the action fun and the layers of unique ideas and pseudo philosophy kept the packed theater wide awake.
Final Grade: A-
Will I buy it? Unlikely
Nice. I'm a little surprised Robin Hood fared worse than Sex in the City, also that by your own admission Inception was a 5 out of 5, with re-watchability being a must, you will unlikely buy it. How did Toy Story 3 not make the list. By far the best movie I've seen this summer.
I'm SUPER picky about movies I buy. I can't think of a good way of saying why I won't buy Inception, but I know I'd be much more likely to reach for Predators on a boring evening. Toy Story 3 isn't on the list because I haven't seen it. :(
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