Thursday, February 16, 2012

Trampoline Dodgeball!!!!

So, when was the last time you did something that was "ridiculously awesome fun"???  

For Valentines a friend of mine organized a trip to SkyHigh Sports in Camarillo, a sports facility that is nothing short of a mega ninja hopping trampoline paradise!  I have been wanting to go to forever but had never bothered organizing anything.  There was a special 2-for-1 deal for couples, and I was stoked at the chance to play trampoline dodgeball.  I have to admit I had very high expectations as to how fun this would be, and my expectations were utterly blown away.  I had an absurdly good time.  We played for two hours (a whopping $20 per couple) and everything I was wearing was drenched!

The dodgeball pit was pretty simple, roughly 8 or so trampolines per side, squishy colorful kickballs being lobbed around, and a ref to make sure people weren't cheating too bad.  There were inevitably some little kids (and a couple guys that took the game waaaay too seriously) but all in all it was an excellent group.  I got nailed in the face a couple times ... that stung a little... I think they should use something more punishing for us next time...haha!

There were other pits in the area, one that was big and open and another one where you could jump into a huge pile of foam for a soft landing.  The foam was really hard to climb back out of, but it was fun to go flying into it!



In summary the evening was simply labeled a complete success.  I want to go back (as do most of us) for more.  They teach an "Airobics" class that I'm afraid I'm going to have to test out ASAP.

1 comment:

Matt K said...

That place kicks ass!