Wednesday, December 1, 2010

NaNoWriMo 2010

It was fun, it was ridiculous, it was so rewarding.

What am I talking about? National Novel Writing Month, which I participated in once again and am again victorious, by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin.  It was a much busier month for me than last year, and I really had to crank at the end.  Not only did I bring my laptop along with me over the Thanksgiving holiday, I stayed up almost exactly until midnight last night making sure my words were up to snuff. 

 And now, I have half a story.

 Half? What? Yeah, that’s what happens sometimes.  I got going and realized the novel had a life of its own, taking me crazy places I had not anticipated, and am still a wee bit unsure of where exactly they will lead.

I am, however, very proud of what I have, and am even confident enough to share the first part with whoever would like a sneak peak.  (Just let me know and I will email it to you.)  The title is under construction, though currently it is called "The Scent of Sincerity" and is a fantasy story set both in modern day and a fictional world (think Narnia / Harry Potter) about a young girl named Althea who can smell lies.

Thank you all for your loving support and enthusiastic feedback!  It is much appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd love to check it out! :)