Monday, October 31, 2011


For the third year in a row, I am going to dive head first (and with reservations) into National Novel Writing Month.  This year I can honestly confess that I am completely and utterly unprepared.  You see, I have failed utterly in diving back into the story I created last year.  I made the 50,000 word mark, but there was a great deal of story left to tell.  I thought maybe I would have the discipline to keep writing after November, but I did not.  I feel like I have let folks down who took the time to read my little starter novel - they have been hanging in suspense, waiting for me to finish, and I have not done so.

Heck, I haven't even been keeping up with my blog writing.  Sorry!

Thus, this year I think I am going to revisit that story and try to actually finish it.  However, my lack of prep has me worried... yet at the same time, I'm a little excited.  The past couple years I have cheated a wee bit and started writing early, but this year I have not started a single paragraph.  I have re-read last year's story and poured over some notes, but that's about it.

I have also made myself a couple of character bios.  I thought those of you who read last year's beginning might like to see some of the pictures I picked out to temporarily "embody" a few of my main characters.  Doing this kind of thing helps me visualize my story as well as how my characters interact with one another, and it's kind of a fun way to give them some depth for my own reference, as well as keep everyone straight in my head.

Althea Anders
(Uncle) Hendrick Anders
Erica Page
Thank you again to everyone SO MUCH who read my story last year.  It means more than you know.  I loved the feedback and am encouraged by all of your words.  I also thank those of you who have been and will be socially shunned when I take up a perch in the local coffee shops to crank out some words in this busy time of year.

Good luck to everyone who is undertaking the November challenge!  I am here to help you out of the "stuck" spots and expect you all to do the same for me. :)