The 2011 outrigger season is over, and I have to admit I am more down about it than I ever would have imagined I would be. It's strange how something can take up such a huge amount of your time and energy to the point you think you'll be so happy once it is all over, but when it's gone there is a gaping void in your core that leaves you feeling stripped and empty. I know I'll adjust soon enough, but right now it's just strange. Folks in my office keep reminding me that "there is always next season!" but what they don't understand is that no two seasons are ever alike. People move on as life carries them away, new people come and add fresh elements. So no, this season is over, and it will never be quite like this one again.
On a sunnier note, I am very much looking forward to seeing ignored friends, running and surfing again, as well as getting back into my gym routine and having time to write, vlog, and cook. I have already made myself several new omelet recipes for dinner, am sore in new places, and have signed up for a couple winter races.
Thank goodness we had a more or less a hassle free return trip from Catalina island, which is an utterly different story than
last year. Our co-ed race over was fantastic; it began with an epic storm of thunder, lightening, hail and a downpour that delayed the start for an hour. The Ka Nai'a ladies literally huddled inside a bathroom on Newport for warmth and shelter since we were strictly forbidden to return to our support boat for our jackets since lightening was striking. Given our teams previous wins this season, pressure and expectations were incredibly high. We had a great race, but in the end did not place (results put us at 6 and 10 out of 21) which is of course in many ways disappointing, but at the same time I am incredibly proud of our performance and efforts and in the end our coaches were pleased. (Not to mention the club that placed #1 and 2 were from Hawaii, and came to rumble!)

The water was rough and we were, quite frankly, under-trained for that. The spirit and enthusiasm of the team was high, and everyone performed well. Our novice team, which took up 99% of the second boat, did incredibly well. It turned into a fun weekend, making it hard to say goodbye to everyone, especially those who we have known for some time will not be returning.
And just like that, normal life kicks back in. I am starting up paralegal classes once again, and will become a National Notary next week! Oh, the responsibility ... bleh... but it will help out my boss, who I can imagine is going to be thrilled that I'm not running out the door at 4 in my booty shorts and paddle anymore. She will, however, have to deal with my "post gym hair" fashion in the mornings. The Mud Run is on once again, and maybe a few other treats to come.